Anagrams Home



This tiny website is devoted to creating anagrams in a user-friendly way. In my experience some time ago, just scribbling on a piece of paper worked a bit but nothing like a computer program to help you on your way and make sure your anagram is correct.


After downloading and running, you'll have 3 fields and a Randomize button. Enter the source text (where you want to make an anagram from) in the top edit control. Then press TAB or click inside the 'Anagram' edit control and type the anagram. While typing, the 'Remaing letters' text box will be updated to show what letters still remain. That should help focus on the rest of your anagram.

To help your creativity a bit, click 'Randomize' to shuffle the 'Remaing letters' contents around a bit, to hopefully show a new start for the rest of your anagram.


To download, just click here to get the zip file. Inside the zip file there is just the executable. Run anagram.exe. It's really tiny, just 6Kb!


You'll need Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003 or above. Not really much processing power needed at all. It's so light-weight, I'd expect it to run anywhere.


If you have nice anagrams, mail me! I might post them on this site.

(c) 2006 Dolphinity BV / Ruud van Gaal